Daily Email Archive
Reading as a Success Pathway
The year is coming to an end and soon you will come across many round up posts talking about best...
A Simple Way to be Productive: Ensure Your Kids are Happy
Happy kids don’t just bring joy. They bring peace, which every mom knows is priceless for getting...
Festivals are More than Celebrations; They Teach Values
As grand Indian festival season wrapped up today, I’m reminded of how these celebrations offer us...
Hey Mama! it’s OK not to know it all
Last week, for Diwali, my daughter and I were tackling the simple task of tidying her room. I was...
Harness the Power of Perseverance Now
Today, I want to highlight a superpower you may already have, though it doesn’t always feel like...
Happiness at Home, Joy at Work
Is happiness at home a non-negotiable for you? Ideally, it should be. But as we know, it isn’t...
Start Your Week Perfectly
How you start your week often sets the tone for the days ahead. First, be clear on your intentions...
Quick & Easy Self-Care Tips for a Brighter Day
Self-care doesn’t have to take hours. In fact, a few focused minutes each day can help you...
Hey there! I am back after a hiatus
My last message to you was on 1st Jun. 2024. I never thought it would be 5 months when I talk to...
Kids-Free Day 3:
It was a hugely productive day. Here's what I accomplished: Finished one-third of Week 5 of Intro...
Kids-free Day 2: Never Slack on Self-love
It was my parents’ wedding anniversary and I spent almost 3 hours with them, without a care in the...
Kids-free Day 1: It is All in the Mind
Yesterday was the first day of my kids-free six days. When my mother called up early in the...
True Wealth
No, riches don’t always lie in niches!! Sorry, being a writer, couldn’t resist that. Back to...
Happy vs. Content: What Would You Prefer?
Happiness is Bright Sparks. Happiness is fireworks. Happiness is your heart overflowing with...
Don’t Wait to be Appreciated
Women typically do their work and then wait to be recognised. Is that you? But that is wrong in so...
Equality vs Equity
Equality - providing the same resources and opportunities to everyone, regardless of their needs....
Listening vs Speaking
Do you want to be a better version of yourself? Try listening more than speaking. Because, We...
Feel Better vs Do Better
Say you have failed at something you had been doing. What do you do the next moment? Do you think...
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