Chaos seems overwhelming, isn’t it?

Yet, within it, you have always found a hidden strength.

Don’t believe me?

Imagine this. Or rather recall this, cuz I am confident this scenario plays out in a working mom’s life often.

So imagine this:

The alarm goes at 6 in the morning and you snooze it groggily. By the time you make up the mind to get up, the kids’ school bus is due in 35 minutes. You practically drag the kids out of their warm beds, almost guiltily because it’s very cold outside, and shove them in their respective bathrooms. You prepare breakfast and pack their lunch box, all the while keeping an eye on the clock and shouting at them to hurry.

And then the bell rings.

I don’t want to get into what happens after that. 👻👻👻

My point is this.

Others may have the leisure to think and plan whenever life feels upside down.

You, on the other hand, navigate it expertly and gracefully (okay, may be not always, but more often than you realize) every day, without thinking.

Take it from me – you know how to thrive in chaos.

You are building resilience, leadership, management and negotiation skills one day at a time.

It’s time to believe in your power to thrive even amidst the whirlwind.

And transfer those skills to other areas of your life.

ACTION STEP for today

Which part of your professional life needs you to thrive amidst chaos? What steps can you take to excel there?

That’s all for today.

Adios and Happy Thriving!

P.S.: Any questions? Or want to share some thoughts on this? Drop a comment to let me know.

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