It was my parents’ wedding anniversary and I spent almost 3 hours with them, without a care in the world.

This, when I typically spend just an hour or so at their place. Unless they are sick or there are things I need to take care of.

How did that happen, I wondered. 🤔 And that brought me to lesson for the day.

Lesson From Day 2

Yes, kids are a handful, but I cannot use them as excuse all the time.

I need to focus more on prioritising personal stuff.

Clearly, spending carefree time with parents matters to me, and I need to make it happen more frequently.

Yes, kids can be a handful, but their needs should not be preventing me from doing important things. Guess I need to revisit my own post on urgent vs important!!

What I Am Going To Do About This

I don’t have a concrete plan yet, but I do know this. Over the past couple of months, since I have been looking for 1-2 regular clients to add to my roster, I have been neglecting personal stuff. Even though I realise it has led to increased stress levels and poor self-care.

There, now that I have said it aloud, tomorrow I am going to schedule daily self-care activities in my calendar. I will definitely let you know how it goes.

That’s all for today.

But tell me this: have you also been neglecting self-care recently? Loving yourself a little less? If the answer is yes, or you are not sure, it’s time to be intentional about some self love.

Go ahead and schedule 3-5 self-care activities (some ideas here) in your calendar over the next 7 days.

Adios and Happy Loving.

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