We all have internal conversations.
Which can be both good and bad for you.
Depending on whether you feel motivated or demotivated in the end.
I know, because I have internal conversations constantly throughout the day.
And most of it is unproductive.
But there is an easy way out.
Empty your mind of all thoughts overwhelming you.
Get both good and bad out of your system onto a piece of paper.
So that you start with a blank slate and focus fully on task at hand.
I usually do this first thing in the morning.
But you are free to do this whenever the internal conversations threaten to overpower you.
ACTION STEP for today:
Write out at least 1 page of your thoughts in longhand today, before going to bed.
Want to make a fresh start tomorrow morning?
No worries. Do what makes you happy.
Just ensure that you DO IT.
That’s all for today.
Adios and Happy Journaling!