It is said that nothing can grow under the Banyan tree.

Because it doesn’t allow sufficient sunlight and air to pass through its branches for any vegetation to thrive.

And its large deep roots suck all the water and minerals from the soil, leaving nothing for anyone else.

Some people are like these banyan trees.

They hog all the resources available for themselves.

They suck life and happiness from those around them.

Beware of such people.

And if you find yourself in company of such people,

Run away from there as if it’s the plague.

As today’s ACTION STEP,

I want you to consider all the people you feel uncomfortable with, and see if they are your life’s Banyan tree.

That’s all for today.

Adios and Happy Self-loving!

P.S.: Any questions? Or want to share some thoughts on this? Comment and let me know. I promise to respond.

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