If you struggle to decide what to do for the day, take out your superlist and set priority for each task.
Then do or schedule Priority 1 tasks, then Priority 2 and so on.
How to fix those priorities, you ask.
Well, today I am sharing a simple trick to do exactly this.
Consider this. If I had to do one thing, JUST ONE THING, what would that be?
Let me show you how I would do it.
Cooking? Nah, I can always order.
Cleaning the house? Hmm…I think I can do this tomorrow.
Picking up kids from school? Well, I have the option to see if the autowallah is available.
Attending kids PTM? Can’t delegate. I HAVE to go!
Dance practice? Maybe today I can miss but definitely can’t delegate.
Send email to my daily list? This one HAS to be done, and done by me alone.
Call with the new client? First call, so CAN’T defer. Since I work solo, there is no one else to do this in place of me.
Call with a prospect? Easily reschedule.
Edit novel WIP? That’s a no-brainer. I will do it tomorrow. There is no hurry.
The 5:30 meeting? Let me ask the gal who organized it, or at least my boss.
This list is endless (because any working mom’s superlist is 😉), but you get the drift.
Some of these tasks HAVE to be done today and by me. They are topmost priority, i.e. Priority 1 tasks.
The second category of task is – I SHOULD do it but will see if I can delegate. Like attending the meeting or picking up kids from school.
The third category of tasks are those only I can do, but I can defer it for today.
For today, because you know you will get to it tomorrow – household chores or that call with the prospect. These tasks have a knack of showing up in a way that you can’t ignore them.
There is a fourth category of tasks too. Can you see/guess what it is?
No, I am not going to talk about it today. Because they are the most crucial in making you feel in control of your time life and calendar.
In fact,
That’s your ACTION STEP for today.
Do the exact same exercise I did, for as many tasks as you want, and list the priority 1 tasks.
Can you identify all the three categories I have discussed here?
Can you identify the fourth category? If yes, hit reply and let me know. Who knows it might be different from mine!
That’s all for today.
Tomorrow I will talk about the critical fourth category of tasks.
Till then Adios and happy prioritizing!