by Shweta | Daily
If the pawn moves fast enough, it becomes the queen. That’s your power, and you better not forget it. That’s all for today. Adios and Happy Weekend!!
by Shweta | Daily
You have your own unique perspective to seeing the world, and others have their own. Don’t expect others to share your perspective. Conversely, don’t impose your own perspective on them. And, don’t take it to your heart if they try to impose their...
by Shweta | Daily
Life isn’t fair, is it? But before you answer that, you need to answer another question: Not fair to whom? Because fairness as a concept is not something we develop as a society. Concept of fairness is an individual trait. I decide what’s fair to me while...
by Shweta | Daily
Getting complacent after tasting success is the winner’s curse. The moment something works with the first kid, be it bedtime routine, teaching to take no or eating veggies, we file it away for use with the next kid. Or the next one. We forget that every child is...
by Shweta | Daily
For a long time I did not like celebrating Mothers Day. Because I felt one day is not celebrate something as encompassing, overwhelming and intrusive as motherhood!! In fact I am not too taken by the idea of celebrating “days” because like I said, it’s not sufficient...
by Shweta | Daily
Why do we read? So that we can live vicariously through others’ life and lived experiences. Period. And I have been an avid reader since the age of five. Over the past couple of months, I have noticed my inability to concentrate on and complete longer pieces unless...