When my first kid was born, my mother’s advice was this:
Take one day at a time.
Now I realise this advice is apt not just for first-time moms.
It is a mantra you can use whenever facing a tough long-drawn life changing situation.
Got saddled with a control freak as your new boss but can’t decide whether to change jobs or not? Take one day at a time.
Have to wait for a loved one’s medical reports for 17 day? Take one day at a time.
The airline misplaced your luggage while moving continents and now you can’t decide whether to go for a new wardrobe while waiting for your things to be delivered? Take one day at a time.
Your teen’s mood gets more and more unpredictable with each passing day? Take one day at a time.
Your post went viral for all the wrong reasons and now your social media is flooded with hate mail? Take one day at a time.
And yes, keep taking deep breaths at regular intervals to keep things in perspective. Aka, why you need to take things one day at a time.
To keep things more manageable. To avoid taking rash decisions. To keep your sanity beyond the current challenges.
That’s all for today.
Adios Amigas and Amigos!!