If you know which tasks are important and which are urgent, you can use the Eisenhower Matrix for prioritizing.

In case you are wondering what is the difference between urgent and important tasks, here is the low down.

Urgent tasks are time-bound. You must finish them within a deadline. Think client projects with deliverable deadlines or kids’ performance on school’s Foundation Day.

Important tasks do not have a deadline but finishing them takes you closer to long-term goals.

Needless to add, you must strike a balance between urgent as well as important tasks to be on top of your short term as well as long term goals.

Here’s how to prioritize tasks using Eisenhower Matrix

Eisenhower Matrix

Priority 1 – Urgent & Important – Do then immediately

Priority 2 – Important but not urgent – Schedule them in your calendar

Priority 3 – Urgent but not important – Delegate them

Tasks that are neither urgent nor important have no business to be on your Superlist or to do list. If they somehow appear, delete them mercilessly. Your time is better spent elsewhere.


Do you find yourself so caught up in urgent tasks that you have no time for important ones?

There are a few things you can do about them.

First check if you are wasting time in Priority 3 tasks. Delegate the, Here is a quick guide on delegation to help you.

Next, check if you are taking on more projects than you can handle, which means you have too many deadline oriented tasks to complete.

That’s all for today

Adios and Happy Working!!

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